Friday, February 09, 2007


Vermicomposting is using worms to eat and break down your food waste into a potant organic fertilizer

Composting is nature's way of recycling. Compost forms naturally when biodegradable materials such as leaves, twigs, grass clippings, fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, coffee grounds or teabags decompose. The result of this process is a dark, crumbly material that looks and feels like soil and has an earthy smell. Compost is an all-organic soil amendment, which improves water retention and adds valuable slow-release nutrients to the soil.




rotten egg odor

excess moisture (anaerobic conditions)

turn pile frequently; add dry material such as autumn leaves, woodchips, or straw; make sure bin has drainage; leave lid off to allow more air to flow

ammonium odor

too much green, high-nitrogen material (food scraps, grass clippings)

add brown, high-carbon material such as autumn leaves, woodchips, shredded newspaper, or straw

slow decomposition

lack of moisture

add water as needed

lack of nitrogen; too much brown, high-carbon material

add material high in nitrogen, such as food scraps or grass clippings

low pile temperature

(if you have a small pile, or if it is very cold out, don't be concerned if your compost is not generating heat; decomposition is still occurring, but at a slower pace)

pile too small

increase pile size (space permitting)

insufficient moisture

turn pile

poor aeration

turn pile

lack of nitrogen

add material high in nitrogen, such as food scraps or grass clippings

cold weather

insulate pile with straw or other material

high pile temperature (over 140°F, 60°C)

pile too large

reduce pile size

insufficient ventilation

turn pile

unwanted pests

wrong materials in the pile

don't add animal or dairy products, fatty foods

food scraps are exposed

make sure food is well covered; make sure bin is rodent proof by adding screens to areas where animals are getting through—add a screening barrier vertically 6 to 8 inches into the ground; keep pile moist; turn pile to increase temperature or disturb nesting.


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