This picture here is of my lunch, the Prime Rib and Peppercorn sub from Quiznos. Some things I noticed in my observations was that while I was eating it, my tongue sort of "tensed up" especially on the tip, but in a pleasant way. The cell walls of a once alive animal slide around my mouth and are sliced thinly, so its a more delicate flavor. It is also lined with the gritty natural taste of peppercorn, that heats the back of the mouth and throat gently before going away again, so that you always go in for more. Or at least that's my theory. The bread is completely necessary. The grainy, whole fibers that have become brittle when toasted, crack and flake off in my mouth, taking on the juices of each other's flavor. My saliva turns the carbohydrates in the bread sweet on the sides of tongue, being the perfect compliment to savory which I feel pretty much all over.
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